3 on 3 Basketball Tournament
Rules & Regulations
Players must be at least 15 years old to participate
There will be no separate divisions for gender or age
Players may only play on 1 team
Team Roster is a minimum of 3 players; maximum is 5 players per team
Play begins at 8:00 AM
Games will be 15 minutes
There will be two rounds
Pool Play - Play against teams within your randomly drawn pool, results of pool play determine your tournament positioning
Single Elimination Tournament - If you win you advance, lose and you are done
Each team will be guaranteed 4 games (3 pool, 1 tournament)
You will play every team in your division during pool play. Seeding for the elimination round will be determined World Cup Style.
A win gets 2 points. A tie gets you 1 point. A loss is 0 points. The winner of each division will receive the top 7 seeds. Remaining seeds or tie breakers will be determined by total amount of points scored.
Additionally, we will be hosting a few kids games from 12pm - 1pm
1st Possession: 1 player from each team will shoot from behind the 3 point arc to determine first possession.
1 point will be awarded for each basket scored within the 3 point line, and 2 points will be awarded for a shot from behind the 3 point arc
The games will be first to 12 points, and win by 2
During the elimination round, the games are win by 2
Players have no individual foul limit, but if there are 3 fouls on 1 single possession, other team will be awarded 1 point
The Championship game will be played to 21 points
After each change of possession, the ball must be taken back behind the 3 point arc before a shot can be attempted. If a team scores a basket without taking the ball back, the basket will be disallowed but the offending team will retain possession
After a basket, out- of- bounds, violation, or foul, the offense must “check” the ball with their opponent before play resumes and the ball must be passed in to start play
Players must call their own fouls and violations as necessary to keep the game under control.
All jump balls will be awarded to the defense
Substitutions may be made any time play is stopped. Please do not sub excessively or use it as a stalling tactic.
Any participant may be removed for excessive contact, or causing physical altercations
If a team is not at the court at gametime, it is an automatic forfeit
If a dispute cannot be settled (Disagreement on foul, or any possession argument) , the “Ball Never Lies” Rule will go in to affect. One of the parties involved in the dispute will take a shot from the free throw line to decide who gets ball
There is NO cost to watch the tournament!
All players must wear non-marking athletic- type shoes. No black soles or street-worn shoes. (i.e., dirty-soled shoes, bare feet, socks, flip-flops, street shoes, slippers, crocs, boots, sandals, etc.).
No alcohol, tobacco or illicit drugs permitted on School of the Osage Campus. Spectators and participants found in violation will be removed from the event.
All open wounds should be bandaged; if blood is detected during a game, a substitution must take place. First aid kit is available on location.